*-----------------------------<تبلیغات - Ads>-----------------------------* سرور whitemane ، بار دیگر موفق شد در روز اول راه اندازی ریلم جدید با نام Frostmourne از مرز 5 هزار بازیکن آنلاین عبور کند
تبلیغات -ads برچسب ها whitemane, بازدید: [420] [ wow-server.ir ]
سرور World of warcraft متا وو ، یک سرور ایرانی / خارجی که این سرور به صورت سبک فان بوده و مقدار افزایش لول آن 255 میباشد world of warcraft wotlk 3.3.5 | Metawow.ir | Funserver 255 آدرس سایت سرور : Metawow.ir
تبلیغات -ads برچسب ها metawow, بازدید: [775] [ wow-server.ir ]
سرور جدید و قدرتمند guildfront.gg ، با سبک blizzlike ، و سیستم پیشرفته گیلد
تبلیغات -ads برچسب ها guildfront, wowserver, guildfrontwotlk, بازدید: [694] [ wow-server.ir ]
Persian : سرور خارجی Wotlk raids ، یک سرور خوب در نسخه Wotlk 3.3.5 هست این سرور استارت لول 80 میباشد ، و آیتم های Pvp + pve مناسب در اختیار شما قرار میدهد در این سرور Dungeon به حالت سخت و Mythic ، وجود دارد و که بازی را جذاب تر میکند تمامی اینس ها در این سرور به صورت کامل فیکس و در دسترس قرار دارد حتما به این سرور سر بزنید آدرس سایت سرور : رلیم لیست سرور : SET realmlist logon.wotlkraids.com آدرس دیسکورد : https://discord.com/invite/AHfdTh4 english : WoTLK Raids is a WoTLK Raiding Server with Instant 80, Mythic+ Dungeons, Soloable Content, Scaled Raids, Scaled Instances and a Great Community
Experience something never seen before, that just works. Mythic+ Dungeons similar to Retail Instant 80 Blizzlike PvE Mounts from Retail - Soloable Content - Warforging Transmogrification - Working Anticheat detects all hacks join use : https://wotlkraids.com
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [2742] [ wow-server.ir ]
Persian : سرور جدید خارجی با سبک جدید لول 80 به صورت رایگان نسخه محبوب 3.3.5 آیتم های اولیه بازی ریس های جدید و کاستوم کویست های جذاب ریلم سرور : logon.eyeofgods.com سایت سرور english : Eye of Gods Instant 80 3.3.5a with Shadowlands Content [Instant 80][Tier 11 to Tier 25][Shadowlands, Battle for Azeroth, Warlords of Draenor Content][Solo Content][Instance and Dungeon auto balance system][New Race like Nightborne, Zandalari, Void Elf and more][PvE/PvP Custom Quests][Balanced Classes][Dungeon Finder][Emblems Transfer] Nathria Realm - Instant 80 server Solo Content Realmlist : logon.eyeofgods.com website : eyeofgods.com
تبلیغات -ads برچسب ها eyeofgods server, serverwow, wotlk server , 3, 3, 5 wow server, بازدید: [1928] [ wow-server.ir ]
Whitemane is a dynamic World of Warcraft private server focused on hosting two realms: Mograine (Wrath of the Lich King) and not yet announced Cataclysm realm. Thanks to years of our experience, we have managed to completely remaster Wrath of the Lich King content and we are proud to announce that this is indeed the best Wrath content available on private servers. Our realms share the same gameplay style: a dynamic one. That means you will acquire experience and skills significantly faster, allowing you to enter the competitive endgame without repeating the same quests over and over. Quality of our Wrath of the Lich King lets us host PvE tournaments, which never happened before on truthfully working raids. Thanks to our advanced scripting, PvP tournaments will also take place, which will attract top Wrath PvP players. Each tournament will have a really attractive cash prize pool, topping at even 10.000 US Dollars. MOGRAINE [Trailer] [Review by MetaGoblin] [Review by dodgykebaab] [Review by Warlord Xecc] This dynamic Wrath of the Lich King realm has all T7 raids open from the beginning. Tier 7 content, however, will be shorter and Ulduar content will be extended. Same as Tier 9 content, which will be shorter, to jump into balanced T10 even faster. XP Rate: x5 (XP Boost as service in the store increasing multipler to x10 available after 72h of Realm First, Level Boost in the future) Profession Rate: x3 (until 375, x1 after 375) Reputation Rate: x3 (for pre-Wrath factions, x1 for Wrath factions) Drop Rate: x3 (only outdoor in Vanilla and TBC locations; x1 drop rate for outdoor Wrath locations) Leveling utilities: spells learned automatically; weapon skills maxed every level.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [2448] [ wow-server.ir ]
مشخصات کلی گیم سرو World of warcraft ایرانی و خارجی REMAKEWOW
مشخصات سرور :
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [2268] [ wow-server.ir ]
Magic WoW is backBorn by inspiration and forged by experience and a dedicated team of professionals, Magic WoW invites gaming communities to experience Wrath of the Lich King, adventures once again. Most complete, stable, optimized and secure experience. : website Welcome to Magic WoW Best WoW Private Server WotLK 3.3.5aServer Information : General Core Info : Trinity Core + Custom edits - Developed by Magic team WotLK Info : Dungeons: all WotLK dungeons are available and scripted. Misc Stuff : - Pathfinding
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [2164] [ wow-server.ir ]
Hello friends eternium.org server is launched today Exodus launches March 21st, 18:00 GMT+1! The server version is 3.3.5 Exodus Information
Patch: 3.3.5a
XP: 7x Reputations: 3x Professions: 3x World Drops: 3x Encounter Drops: 1x Honor: 2x: Arena Points: 2x Money: 1x Realmlist: set realmlist exodus.eternium.org
سلام دوستان سرور eternium.org امروز راه اندازی میشود نسخه سرور هم ۳.۳.۵ میباشد
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1934] [ wow-server.ir ]
wotlk Private Servers player online : 100-150 Realm name : virtuswow pvp Rate Xp : start level 80 realm list : logon.virtuswow.com website
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1724] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
0-100 Style
Funserver Language
English Rates
Instant 80 Type
PVE Shop
Realmlist: set realmlist realmlist.nrg-wow.com website : Discord: https://discord.gg/xZGxNb8 Realm Description Welcome to NRG-WoW we’re a small WotLK community of friendly players and staff we are running on TrinityCore with the latest compile we are a 3.3.5a Instant 80, fast start raiding server. Cross-Faction Battlegrounds & Raids Enabled to help players get the groups that they need. All Players now start off as Instant 80 and all spells learned. Season 5 Vendor (ilvl 213 and off-sets pvp) Tier 8.5 Vendor (free/few gold PvE gear up to level 226), Free Mount Skills on Character Creation, Free x4 18 Slot Bags, All Class Glyph Vendors, 15000G Starter Gold to use as you want, Solo Queue 1v1 & 3v3 Arenas & Solo Queue Battlegrounds. We also have hourly rewards which include 1 Emblem of Triumph & 250 Honor Points Every Hour & 1 Emblem of Frost & 50 Arena Points Every 3 Hours to make sure players remain active.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [2053] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
0-100 Style
Blizzlike Language
English Rates
x2 Type
PVE Shop
Gear, Gold Realmlist: set realmlist wotlk.wow-mania.com website : Realm Description A cross faction WotLK server that offers double XP weekends, a free mount at level 10, and vote rewards. They also offer RaF (Refer a Friend) that gives increased x3 experience rates. Further Information
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [2433] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
0-100 Style
Funserver Language
English Rates
Instant 255 Type
Custom Shop
Vanity Items Realmlist: set realmlist logon.worldofthegods.com website : Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/NgG5eYQ Realm Description A Wrath of the Lich King funserver with instant level 255. They offer custom instances, 1v1 arena, teleporters, and a mall with more than 200 custom bosses, NPCs, world bosses, all working raids and Tier 1 to 12 and including over 50 sets of PvE items
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [2370] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
0-100 Style
Blizzlike Language
English Rates
x1 Type
PVE Shop
Vanity Items Realmlist: set realmlist logon.inner-realms.net website : Discord: https://discord.gg/TkUh35A Realm Description Join Inner-Realms! Play on the Anomaly Realm 3.3.5a emulating 3.0.x ~Progressive Blizzlike PVE Server with x1 Exp rates! – Website with forums and Armory
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1708] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
0-100 Style
Funserver Language
English Rates
x2000 Type
PVP Shop
Vanity Items, Gear, Levels, Gold Realmlist: set realmlist logon.havoc-wow.com website : Discord: https://discord.gg/HN928bb Realm Description Hello everyone! A few things you should know about our realm: – Level area 1-255 in Zul’Drak – After Level 255, start your journey into our scaled, balanced instances/World Bosses T1 – Molten Core Level 1 to Level 20 gear for each class. Custom Bosses Customly Scaled and modified Instances Custom Zones – Mounts Heaven + 35k Cata/MoP/WoD/Legion items (+950 artifact items) + 300 Legion mounts (Check all of them out at our Mounts Haven custom zone) + 300 Legion pets 2 long and 1 short(but tricky) stair events – Automated event redeeming system + A lot more to be discovered! Also, we have a MALL with lots of insanely fun stuff: Bounty Hunter & more! We’re open for suggestions and we’re awaiting you to start your own journey with your friends at Havoc-WoW!
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1790] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
0-100 Style
Blizzlike Language
Turkish Rates
x7 Type
PVP Shop
Not Available Realmlist: set realmlist logon.turkwow.net website : Discord: https://discord.gg/HcGbman Realm Description ElementaryWoW is a Turkish Wrath of the Lich king private server with x7 XP rates and x2 drop rates.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1855] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
100-250 Style
Custom Language
English Rates
x1 Type
Not Available Realmlist: set realmlist website : Discord: https://discord.gg/5jadDSr Realm Description Tales of Warcraft is a private roleplaying server, where actions and characters has actual influence on the world, unlike in retail where you have no way to show off most of your progress. In Tales, we have the ability to create housing, world edits, custom NPCs and so much more, which retail simply doesn’t offer. Aside from other roleplaying out there, we also run one world where everyone can interact with each other, and not several smaller worlds or phases as they’re called. We’ll also do our best to filter away non-canon and straight up laughable characters and concepts, so we have a stronger sense of quality than the Argent Dawn realm on retail, or Roleplaying Heaven’s somewhat crazy phase culture.t.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1901] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
100-250 Style
High Rate Language
English Rates
x1-x15 Type
PVP Shop
Gear, Levels Realmlist: set realmlist logon.wowgasm-reloaded.org website : Discord: https://discord.gg/cPtrtj3 Realm Description WoWGasm Reloaded – brought to you by the visionaries of WoWGasm past.
Q&A: Q: Another attempt to reboot WoWGasm? Q: Why did you decide to use WoWGasm and not a new name? Q: Has anything improved over time? Q: (I was part of the staff on WoWGasm/RG.) Can I be a GM? Q: Will you ever become big again? Q: How can I join?
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1658] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers WoW Sulvus – Erenia Avg. Population
100-250 Style
Blizzlike Language
Spanish Rates
x1 Type
PVP Shop
Not Available Realmlist: set realmlist wowsulvus.es website : Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/Rb4ZBu Realm Description An active PVP Spanish WotLK private server offering a blizzlike experience.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1939] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers realm TrueWoW – TrueWoW Avg. Population
100-250 Style
Blizzlike Language
English Rates
x1-x3 Type
PVP Shop
Vanity Items Realmlist: set realmlist login.truewow.org website : Discord: https://discord.gg/dGCy52X Realm Description Blizzlike WotLK private server for World of Warcraft patch 3.3.5. Rates are blizzlike with experience set at x1, however they do accept realm transfers from a large variety of other servers through a form on their site.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1824] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
100-250 Style
Blizzlike Language
English Rates
x3 Type
PVE Shop
Vanity Items, Gear, Levels, Characters Realmlist: set realmlist realm2.neverendless-wow.com website : Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/h9hCaE Realm Description Neverendless-WoW – 9+ years and counting – NEW TrinityCore – NEW Website – NEW Discord Server – 3x leveling rates, other rates are blizzlike – Friendly and helpful staff – Active PvP and PvE Communities – Dedicated Development Staff – Join today! Neverendless-WoW was founded by its current owner, Blackswann, and his family back almost 10 years ago. Neverendless is a Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a realm currently in its second generation (Generation II) and in a beta phase until early February, when it will officially release full-time. We are looking to drastically increase population, so whole guilds are welcome and acquisitions/mergers are considered (contact Rayx on discord for more information). The server is fully staffed with professionals at the highest level. The Director of Operations is a PMP with 5 years of real-world project management and leadership experience. Our Director of Development is a full-time web developer and manager. Our systems administrator is a full-time system manager professional. The staff has gone through a training and management overhaul and is either new or has a new perspective from the ground up. Our unique features include an integrated chat system across in-game channels, discord, and IRC, unique BattleMaster event and reward system, customized vote and donation shops and systems, integrated in-game account and forums, online support ticket system, hand-worked TrinityCore, and much more. If you are interested in finding out more information, please join us. Neverendless-WoW: One Step Ahead.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1702] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Eternal-WoW – Eternal Avg. Population
100-250 Style
Custom Language
English Rates
Instant 80 Type
PVP Shop
Gear Realmlist: set realmlist logon.eternal-wow.com website : Realm Description Eternal-WoW’s Eternal realm is an instant 80 extreme PVP with a cash shop. They offer PVP events such as “Last Man Standing” or 2v2 and 3v3 teamed events. Other Information:
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [2397] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Firestorm – Icecrown Avg. Population
100-250 Style
Blizzlike Language
English Rates
x5 Type
PVE Shop
Gear, Levels, Gold, Characters Realmlist: set realmlist wotlk.logon.firestorm-servers.com website : Realm Description Firestorm’s Icecrown realm is a WotLK private server with experience rates set to x5. They offer a custom launcher for their realms, and a cash shop where you can purchase premade characters, mounts, items, and gold.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1745] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
1000-2500 Style
Blizzlike Language
English Rates
x2 Type
PVP Shop
Vanity Items Realmlist: set realmlist logon.sunwell.pl website : Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/UuwQZdd Realm Description Angrathar is a new progressive Wrath of the Lich King realm, which is dedicated to the international community. The release was took place on 27th January, 2018. The main language of this realm is English – speaking on the “world” channel with other language is forbidden. Angrathar has its own international forum. As you know, we’re operating on Wrath of the Lich King expansion, that means maximum level is 80 and you will spend most of your time on an icy continent of Northrend. We’re also working with Aurora team (Theatre of Dreams) on our own Mists of Pandaria realm. The realm will be fully international. At this moment, we offer two realms: Feronis (polish) 2000+ and Angrathar (english) 3000+.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [2059] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
250-500 Style
Custom Language
English Rates
Instant 80 Type
PVP Shop
Gear Realmlist: set realmlist logon.warmane.com website : Realm Description Previously under the name of Arena-Tournament, Warmane’s Blackrock realm is an instant 80 PVP only realm.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1652] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
250-500 Style
Blizzlike Language
Czech Rates
x1 Type
PVE Shop
Characters Realmlist: set realmlist wow.twinstar.cz website : Realm Description TwinStar’s Hyperion realm is a blizzlike WotLK private server with Czech, Slovak, and English languages and is part of the team that runs the Kronos Vanilla private server.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1400] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
250-500 Style
Blizzlike Language
English Rates
x7 Type
PVP Shop
Gear Realmlist: set realmlist wow.gamer-district.org Realm Description GD is a popular variable rate PVP WotLK server with RaF (refer a friend). Rates are at x10 for profession skill ups, x5 item drops, x1 legendary drops, x7 gold, x7 experience (x14 if using Refer-A-Friend), x8 honor, x10 reputation (+10% if using Refer-A-Friend).
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [2052] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
250-500 Style
Blizzlike Language
German Rates
x1 Type
PVE Shop
Vanity Items Realmlist: set realmlist logon.rising-gods.de website : Discord: https://discord.gg/eZZSNTa Realm Description A German PvE realm with 1x rates and Blizzlike playstyle. Has a donation shop but only offers vanity items such as non-combat pets. They offer increased x2 experience rates from level 20 through 60 changeable via in game command.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [2025] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
500-1000 Style
Blizzlike Language
Spanish Rates
x1-x2 Type
PVP Shop
Vanity Items, Gear, Levels, Gold, Characters Realmlist: set realmlist www.wowarg.com.ar website : Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/dcCfFK Realm Description ★ WoWArg ★ Latin american server (Arg.), 10 years online. Different XP Bonuses (Free): -By default blizzlike (x1) -by command, .modrates on/off (x2) -RaF (x3) [Blizzlike] -Transmogrification. -Different xp bonuses on BG/RDF during leveling. -Events PvP/PvE -Custom BGs -Icecrown citadel fully functional, Ruby Sanctum Heroic mode active.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1436] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
500-1000 Style
High Rate Language
Russian Rates
x100 Type
PVE Shop
Gear, Levels, Gold, Characters Realmlist: set realmlist logon.wowcircle.com website : Realm Description An active high rate Russian WotLK server, they offer the following rates: x100 kills, x100 quests, x25 drops, x25 gold, x4 honor, x20 reputation, and x15 skills.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1681] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
500-1000 Style
High Rate Language
English Rates
x10 Type
PVE Shop
Gear, Levels, Gold, Characters Realmlist: set realmlist logon.wowcircle.com website : Realm Description A high rate WotLK Russian private server offers the following rates: x10 kills, x10 quests, x3 exploration, x6 drops, x5 gold, x5 reputation, and x9 skills.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1450] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers WoW Circle – 3.3.5a x1 PvE Avg. Population
500-1000 Style
Blizzlike Language
Russian Rates
x1 Type
PVP Shop
Gear, Levels, Gold Realmlist: set realmlist logon3.wowcircle.com website : Realm Description A Russian PVE blizzlike WotLK private server with an active population.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1334] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
500-1000 Style
Custom Language
English Rates
x1, x3 Type
PVP Shop
Vanity Items Realmlist: Custom Launcher website : Discord: https://discord.gg/hZkdsHM Realm Description
Welcome to a new way of playing World of Warcraft. Project Ascension brings you into a world where the possibilities are endless. Embark on a quest to destroy enemies and become stronger than you ever thought possible.Ascension runs on a 3.3.5 core, and is a progressive server, meaning that you take part in shaping the history of Azeroth from the very beginning! Experience the opening of Ahn’Qiraj, invade and conquer the Black Temple, and stop the Lich King before he dominates the entire planet with the Scourge! As the community completes content, new content will be made available! Create a character and make them yours! With no classes, you are able to pick and choose what spells and talents you would like. The only restrictions are your imagination! We offer three realms: Sargeras – A High Risk realm with 3x rates, where Free For All PvP is active throughout the world. On death, players will be lootable, and will drop items from their inventory and/or items they have equipped. You are now able to take that rude dude’s gear! But be careful, you never know who might want to take you out… Andhorhal – A No Risk realm with 1x rates. Level up your character, create a strong build, find gear, and defeat the evildoers of Azeroth! This realm has no loot drop on death, and is closer to a blizzlike experience. Tichondrius – An experimental realm, with custom spells, talents, systems, and more. This realm is our permanent PTR, where new features can be tested, voted on by the community, and then implemented or scrapped. Come try out some new things, they may be the next addition to our other realms! Ascension also contains what are called “Random Enchants”. Gear has a chance of dropping with an enchant, which will boost your potential and make you even stronger! There are over 2,000 enchants that can be discovered on gear. Can you collect them all? Probably not. But you can always reforge it…for a price. At Ascension, we believe in providing a challenge. That is why our dungeon and raid bosses are stronger than they previously were. Some normal creatures may provide a difficulty level that you were not expecting, and it will take a truly heroic player to handle what the deepest, darkest recesses of Azeroth have to offer.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1802] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Avg. Population
1000-2500 Style
Blizzlike Language
English Rates
x1 Type
PVP Shop
Vanity Items, Levels Realmlist: set realmlist logon.dalaran-realmlist.org website : Realm Description A popular WotLK private server with a sizable population of over 1500 during peak hours. Currently has two realms online with anti-ddos protection and a functional Windergrasp PVP zone. The offer gear in their cash shop, however they only offer level 70 gear and lower.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1658] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers WoW Circle – 3.3.5a x5 Avg. Population
1000-2500 Style
Blizzlike Language
Russian Rates
x5 Type
PVP Shop
Gear, Levels, Gold, Characters Realmlist: set realmlist logon.wowcircle.com website : Realm Description A Russian WotLK private server with increased rates and a full cash shop. Server rates: x5 kills, x5 quests, x2 exploration, x4 drops, x3 gold, x3 reputation, and x4 skills. WoW Circle – 3.3.5a x5 News
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [1814] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Warmane – Lordaeron Avg. Population
2500-5000 Style
Blizzlike Language
English Rates
x1 Type
PVP Shop
Gold, Characters Realmlist: set realmlist logon.warmane.com website : Realm Description Lordaeron is a blizzlike WotLK realm with x1 rates and an active population. Originally this realm had the dungeon finder disabled but they have since enabled it.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [2463] [ wow-server.ir ]
WotLK Private Servers Warmane – Icecrown Avg. Population
5000+ Style
Blizzlike Language
English Rates
x7 Type
PVP Shop
Gear, Levels, Gold, Characters Realmlist: set realmlist logon.warmane.com website : Realm Description Warmane’s Icecrown realm offers a x7 experience rate and x3 rates for gold, weapon skills, profession and reputation. Arguably the most populated server available in the WoW private server scene, though Warmane has been guilty of inflating their player counts.
تبلیغات -ads بازدید: [2322] [ wow-server.ir ]
مشخصات کلی گیم سرو World of warcraft ایرانی Capitanwow
مشخصات سرور : ...
تبلیغات -ads برچسب ها world of warcraft wrath of the lich king game server, بازدید: [2324] [ wow-server.ir ]
یکی از سرورهای جدید نسخه 3.3.5 - wrath of the Lich king میباشد سایت سرور : oxinwow.ir ریلم سرور : login.oxinwow.ir مشخصات ریلم : OxiNwow 3.3.5a Hard
وضعیت سرور :
تبلیغات -ads برچسب ها world of warcraft wrath of the lich king game server, بازدید: [6138] [ wow-server.ir ]
صفحه قبل 1 صفحه بعد