مشخصات سرور جدید با نسخه
World of WarCraft Legion 7.3.5
وضیعیت سرور : به زودی راه اندازی میشود
تاریخ راه اندازی سرور
جمعه، ۱۹ دی ۱۳۹۹ ۱۳۹۹/۱۰/۱۹
Friday, January 8, 2021 2021-01-08
Connection instructions: how to start game.
Opening date of game world and its features:
- opening date: January 8, 2021 at 16.00 GMT;
- January 3, 2021 at 15.00 GMT the ability to create characters will be opened so that you can take your nickname
- rates: x5 for experience, everything else x1;
- the first 3 days the type of game realm PVE, then always PVP;
- At the time of the promotion for the first 110 levels, the creation of the DK and DH will be from the corresponding levels, i.e. to create a DK you need a character on your account at least - level 55, for DH - level 98
- premium account.
Mythic + Dungeon Ladder:
- view total number of points (Mythic Score)
- view number of completed dungeons (+ 5-9/ + 10-14/ + 15-19/ + 20-24/ 25+)
- information about your best playthroughs (role, by how much the key was improved, level key, the number of points received for this key)
- information about the leaders of ladder (their class, role, number of points)
- information about you (your rank in the ladder, the number of your points)
Content opening by piecemeal (The game client will always be version 7.3.5, any version of Legion 7.3.5 is supported):
The opening of the game world will start from version 7.0.3:
- January 11: Dungeons will be opened normal and heroic difficulty: Black Rook Hold, Darkheart Thicket, Eye of Azshara, Halls of Valor, Maw of Souls, Neltharion's Lair, Vault of the Wardens, Violet Hold.
- January 15: The Emerald Nightmare raid opening in normal and heroic difficulties, arena season 1 will begin and Mythic+ Dungeon Season 1, Mythic + dungeons will become available.
- January 22: The Emerald Nightmare raid will be opened in Mythic difficulty, the first 3 guilds that pass the raid will receive a special reward.
February 12th, the game world will be conversion into Legion 7.1.0:
- February 12: dungeon opening Return to Karazhan.
- February 19: Trial of Valor raid will open in normal and heroic mode.
- February 26: Trial of Valor raid will open in Mythic mode, the first 3 guilds to complete the raid will receive a special reward.
April 2 the game world will be conversion into Legion 7.1.5:
- April 2: Will become available dungeons: Court of Stars, The Arcway, start arena season 2 and Mythic+ Dungeon Season 2.
- April 16: The Nighthold raid will open in normal and heroic mode.
- April 23: The Nighthold raid will be opened in Mythic mode, the first 3 guilds to complete the raid will receive a special reward.
July 2 the game world will be conversion into Legion 7.2.0:
- Broken Isles zones will become available
- Arena season 3 will begin and Mythic+ Dungeon Season 3
October 1 the game world will be conversion into Legion 7.2.5:
- October 1: Cathedral of Eternal Night will be available to players and 4th season of the arena will begin and Mythic+ Dungeon Season 4.
- October 15: Tomb of Sargeras raid will open in normal and heroic mode.
- October 22: Tomb of Sargeras raid will be opened in Mythic mode, the first 3 guilds to complete the raid will receive a special reward.
1st January 2022 the game world will be conversion into Legion 7.3.0:
- Argus will become available and arena season 5 will begin and Mythic+ Dungeon Season 5.
1st April 2022 the game world will be conversion into Legion 7.3.2:
1st July 2022 last stage conversion Legion 7.3.5:
- Start arena season 7 and Mythic+ Dungeon Season 7.
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